நடிகர் தனுஷ் மனைவியின் புதிய புகைப்படம்! நடிகைகளையும் மிஞ்சிய பேரழகு…. வாய்பிளந்து பார்க்கும் ரசிகர்கள்!!


ஐஷ்வர்யா தனுஷ்…

நடிகர் தனுஷின் மனைவியும் இயக்குநருமான ஐஷ்வர்யா தனுஷ். தனது இன்ஸ்டாகிராமில் ஒரு புகைப்படத்தை வெளியிட்டுள்ளார்.

அதில் நடிகைகளுக்கே ச வா ல் விடும் அளவு பேரழகுடன் இருக்கின்றார்.

இந்த புகைப்படத்தினை பார்த்த ரசிகர்கள் லைக்குகளை குவித்து வருகின்றனர்.

பொதுவாக நடிகைகள் தான் இது போன்ற புகைப்படங்களை வெளியிடுவது வழக்கம். நடிகர்களுக்கே ச வா ல் விடுக்கும் அளவு தீ வி ரமாக யோகாசனம் செ ய்வதை வாடிக்கையாக இவர் கொண்டுள்ளார்.

இந்நிலையில் ஐஸ்வர்யா தனுஷின் இந்த செயல் அனைவரது கவனத்தினையும் ஈர்த்துள்ளது.


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Comfort is my new couture…always feel confident in your skin and never uncomfortable in your shoes ! @nike @nikewomen #fridayvibes

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It’s Wednesday! The mid-week break that we all look forward to. So here we are #WellnessWednesdaysWithAishwaryaa with 3 tips on Body, Mind and Nourishment. Do not forget to tag me, @sarvayogastudios and @thedivayoga when you post a picture following any of the below tips 🙂 BODY-Today’s pose is Bridge Posture Variation with Basketball 1. Lie down on your back with leg straight on the floor, palm beside your thighs. 2. Bend your both knees, keep legs hips apart, heels closer to the hips. 3. Inhale lift your stomach and chest up, take hips of the floor. 4. Fix the basket ball under your lower back (Lumber region) 5. Now lift your legs one by one on 90 degree. Toes pointing up. You can hold the basketball with your hands. 6. Maintain the balance on the basketball and hold for 10 to 15 seconds. MIND In these very stressful times for all of us with the erratic work schedule, lack of proper sleep and change in our time cycles and lifestyle patterns… the one thing that has helped me a lot to counter this is READING.yesterday being the #worldliteracyday I felt like sharing how much the habit of reading has been an integral part of my childhood and life.no better companion than a book I vouch for this ! Try reading everyday just for at least 10 minutes …from your favourite book ..comics..the newspaper or read a story out loud for your little ones ..it truly helps reduce stress, makes you more empathetic and all the more helps you sleep better. NOURISHMENT What are the healthy foods that you just cannot eat? For me its kale! And you know something, there’s nothing wrong with not liking it! The key is to find your balance in adding these with the foods that you like.in the course of time you will develop a taste for It Listen, understand and balance your cravings with healthy foods from your kitchen, from your eating history and it won’t ever feel like a ‘DIET’ again! So what are you waiting for? Give yourself that much needed mid-week break to rejuvenate your Mind, Body and Soul 🙂 #yogaplus #yogalife #wednesdaywisdom #mylifemyyoga #sarvayoga #divayoga #chooseyogaeveryday #fitindia

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Happy Wednesday to you ! Hope you all enjoyed the nutritious and absolutely delicious foods in the Onam Sadhya over the weekend and beginning of the week ..I must say that its been such a pleasure form my side sharing my wellness tips for Mind, Body & Nourishment with you’ll, hope you are enjoying it too! Don’t forget to tag @sarvayogastudios @thedivayoga and me, when you try any of these tips! BODY – Today’s pose is Shalabhasana with a Wheel/Bolster/Basketball 1. Come to the table top ( cat pose) 2. Fix the wheel under lower belly. 3. Extend your legs like a plank and shift your body weight on your palm and wheel. 4. Now slightly moving forward and drop the chin down on the floor. 5. Lift your both legs higher as much as you can. Arch your back and keep your elbows near ribcage. 6. Hold for 10 to 15 sec and release the posture Remember do not push yourself more than your comfort zone if you are just beginning or trying it for the first time .. MIND – When was the last time you took a day off in the lockdown? When Monday’s and Sunday’s almost seem the same and while there have been days when you have lost track because You are working working from home, we all tend to take ‘a holiday’ for granted and even believe that we cannot take one at home ! You can ! we cannot take a long or an outdoor one of course but try to take a few hours or a day (if you can and if it won’t pile up work for you or if you can manage )off every once in a while to relax, both physically and mentally. You can do anything watch a film with your family, pull the drapes and take a nap, decide you won’t do kitchen work for the day or just go up to your terrace and watch the sky and breathe ( trust me this works )Do not take ‘rest days and rest time’for granted 🙂 NOURISHMENT – This tip is more for digestion than for nourishment – Sit in Vajrasana post your meals to aid digestion and help maintain a healthy gut and prevent issues like constipation etc! There you go, some of my favourite tips for this week! Hope you all practice these tips and if you love them, let us know! 🙂 #wednesdaywisdom #nutrition #sarvanourish #sarvayoga #yogalife #mylifemyyoga #fitindiamovement

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